We are a multi faith expression of love
through the lens of
jazz & psalms

Our inaugural event...
Off to a great start...
We were proud to work with some of the finest musicians in their field and with the amazingly talented choir, T20.
New exciting settings were composed by our own inspirational David Gordon for Psalms 22, 100 and 139, and sung by the sensational Jacqui Dankworth.
The evening was a great success. It was a complete sell out with over 300 people listening to the new music and responding enthusiastically.
It was a huge privilege to work with the team at Mosaic to present the concert combining both the inaugural performance of the music and the initial event in the brand new building.
We gained valuable insight into working across the interfaith arena. We worked extremely well together and our efforts were reflected in the success of the concert.
It came at the end of the Interfaith Week and was attended by more than a dozen members of the local Interfaith Group representing several and varied faith groups.
We are so grateful to the Westhill Endowment Trust whose grant enabled us to get off the starting blocks.
We look forward to putting on more concerts and hopefully planning our first Interfaith Conference in the near future.
About JazzPsalms
JazzPsalms came about because I was sitting in Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club in London listening to Jacqui Dankworth sing. Her beautiful voice and amazing range was feeding my soul. Then I thought about some of the words of the Psalms and about how they too feed my soul.
And I thought... how amazing if these two things could come together. Perhaps it might, it just might introduce Jazz to some believers and belief to some jazz enthusiasts.
I contacted Jacqui and from there the idea grew, very slowly. Jacqui introduced me to David Gordon who also liked the idea and was happy to compose music for Jacqui to sing.
Lord Chadlington kindly helped us to set up the Charity, and with a generous donation from The Westhill Endowment Trust we were building momentum.
Jacqui then introduced the idea that we could talk to other faiths.
Through David we began to collaborate with the team from Mosaic and here we are. Ready to share JazzPsalms with you.

Rev'd Margaret Scrivener
